Industry Alpha will begin offering the “Automatic Packaging Line System” that will make the packaging process smarter.

Background of the service
In recent years, labor costs have been rising year by year in Southeast Asian countries due to the progress of infrastructure development and accelerating economic growth.
In addition, economic growth has created a demand for improved user experience, and there are calls for improved quality from the perspective of quality control.
Companies are aiming to improve productivity and have set labor-saving and quality improvement as important business strategies, and there is a growing demand for smart factories and warehouses in the Southeast Asian region.
Against this background, we will expand our smart business, including automation and robotics, throughout Southeast Asia, thereby reducing labor costs and improving productivity, thereby contributing to the manufacturing and logistics industries.
Overview of the automatic packaging line system and three features
This is a system that automates the packaging process in factories.

The system automatically assembles, folds, and prints the manufacturing date on the cartons. Optionally, it can check the weight of the loaded items to eliminate overweight or underweight. An advanced sensor system monitors for product shortages to ensure product quality and consistency.
For more information, please contact us via the page below.

Three Features
- Automatically handles large numbers of packages
- Quickly and easily switch between SKUs
- Reduce labor costs by fully automating the packaging process
This is an example of automating a packaging line in the confectionery industry, in collaboration with our partner.
An arm robot automatically picks up sweets coming down the conveyor belt, and automatically assembles and packs them into cardboard boxes.

Up until now, factories that produce, sell, and export sweets and diet foods have followed the following procedure.
①A person picks the sweets that come down the conveyor belt
②Assembles cardboard boxes
③Packs them
④Secures the boxes with tape
⑤Writes the date of manufacture
By introducing an automatic packaging line system, we have improved the packaging process to three steps.
①Sorting the sweets that come down the conveyor belt into packs of 5 bags
②Forming cardboard boxes with an automatic box-making machine
③Robots pack the goods and print the date of manufacture
●Many people are required for the packaging line
●Repetitive tasks cause human errors
●Work efficiency varies depending on the human hand
●One-stop support for all product packaging
●Linking with conveyors and arm robots to achieve unmanned operation
●Improved work efficiency per hour
Future outlook
This system achieves high productivity and efficiency, and reduces the burden on employees.
In Southeast Asia, the manufacturing industry is growing rapidly, and there is a demand for improved productivity through smart technology.
We are confident that by introducing automation solutions using an automatic packaging line system, we can achieve cost benefits for customers in reducing the number of workers in the manufacturing industry in Southeast Asia, where labor costs are difficult to cost-effectively.
By eliminating product shortages through quality control using sensors, and automating packaging with arm robots and automatic box-making machines, we achieve quality improvement and labor savings.
We aim to contribute to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry by promoting collaboration with sales agents and partner companies in Southeast Asian countries.